Andy Callahan
Brand designer, London

Recent experience
• Koto  • Nomad  • Kiln

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Available from Sept ‘24
Studio Koto

Glassdoor, the largest job search and career insight platform, offers an authentic view into companies, salaries, and workplace culture. The brand emphasizes confidence and transparency, empowering users through open conversation. The new logo, featuring g/d-shaped quotations around the wordmark, embodies the "Real work talk" positioning, with an all-caps type that is fresh and symbolic of an open door.

The concept for Glassdoor originated from an incident where employee salaries were accidentally left on a copier, highlighting the importance of transparency. This story influenced the brand's strategic direction, focusing on genuine conversations and insights. While maintaining its iconic green, Glassdoor introduced secondary colors inspired by office copier papers and its diverse community, enhancing the digital experience.